Enables lock/unlock capabilities for roommates of active household Notes Enables lock/unlock capabilities for butlers The doorlocks_addon_roommates_EP08 file does the following (compatible with Discover University DLC):
Enables lock/unlock capabilities for all pets The doorlocks_addon_butler_SP09 file does the following (compatible with Vintage Glamour Stuff DLC):
Enables lock/unlock capabilities for all dogs Enables lock/unlock capabilities for all cats Enables lock/unlock capabilities for all sims The doorlocks_addon_pets_EP04 file does the following (compatible with Cats and Dogs DLC): Enables lock/unlock capabilities for employees on current lot Enables lock/unlock capabilities for active household Enables lock/unlock capabilities for active sim The doorlocks file does the following (compatible with base game): I have made a base-game version of the mod, with additional add ons for pets (EP04), butlers (SP09), and roommates (EP08). Tired of townies sticking their nose in employee-only spaces on community lots? This mod enables lock/unlock capabilities for doors and gates on any lot, regardless of sim ownership. Compatible with June '20 game patch version 1.63.136 Description: